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Natural Camper, Female, from Pennsylvania

Staff Member

Started the end of January, by falling on ice in my driveway and fracturing shoulder in 4 places. Not working, Have weeks to talk camping. Jan 31, 2019

2sweed was last seen:
Apr 9, 2019
    1. 2sweed
      Great news, hear ye all. I have 20 z 20 vision in my eye. Had surgery 28th and told next morning vision was normal. Doctor was amazed.
      1. BMWPOWER
        Nice, must feel good to now see life in Full HD. haha
        Apr 30, 2015
      2. campforums
        That's great, do you still need reading glasses for close vision?
        Apr 30, 2015
      3. 2sweed
        Yes, I will need glasses for closeup. I could not afford the more expensive lens. But having wore glasses all my life it's not a problem.
        May 5, 2015
    2. 2sweed
      The 28th, is thee day for my next eye surgery. Am seeing early spring flowers and robins. plus smell of glorious spring is in the air.
      1. Saul Goodman
        Saul Goodman
        Good Luck for it! Enjoy those sunny days :-)
        Apr 19, 2015
    3. 2sweed
      Things are looking up the snow is melting and I am going on some short road trips with friends. Life much brighter have a few hours off.
    4. Northern Dancer
      Northern Dancer
      Keep the campfire burning - it's the best way to cook a weenie.
    5. Northern Dancer
      Northern Dancer
      Hope you are feeling a lot better now - you sure have had your share of burnt stew. Remembered you at Eucharist yesterday [Wednesday at 10:00 A.M.]
      1. 2sweed likes this.
      2. 2sweed
        Yes, I am improving every day. Next month I need to get second eye done. Ugh! Thanks for thinking of me. :)
        Mar 12, 2015
      3. campforums
        Does it feel weird, like unbalanced or unsymmetrical with only one eye done?
        Mar 13, 2015
      4. 2sweed
        No since I got my bad eye done first, not much of a difference, although when I get my good eye done it might be a problem as my bad eye is blurry. I have a macular pucker in that eye.
        A macular pucker is scar tissue that has formed on the eye’s macula, located in the center of the light-sensitive tissue called the retina. A macular pucker can cause blurred and distorted central vision.
        Mar 13, 2015
    6. 2sweed
      I had my eye surgery today, so now one patched eye. The surgery was fast and put to sleep, halfway home nausea set in.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. 2sweed
        No, I have other eye problems that will make necessary the need for glasses to read small print. I just got the long distance lens put in.
        Mar 11, 2015
      3. campforums
        Ah yes, I remember that they can only fix it for one but needing reading glasses isn't too bad, or better than needing them for distance I guess
        Mar 12, 2015
      4. 2sweed
        They fix one eye and then other one in 2-3 weeks. Be glad when this is over, it hurts.
        Mar 12, 2015
    7. 2sweed
      Feels like Little House on Prairie, at my house. We have heat but no drain use. Neighbor no heat gas line frozen. Others no water. UGH!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. 2sweed
        The part in the house is thawed, but the main problem is the line from house to curb frozen solid. We have snow/ice piled 6-8 foot high along curb and about 4 feet deep in our yard. Praying for a thaw to come but we had more snow today. But I will try your method as well. thanks!
        Mar 7, 2015
      3. campforums
        That is crazy, over here all the snow is melting and I can't believe I am saying this but I have been hoping it drops 5 degrees or so, so there will be enough snow for a little more skiing!
        Mar 10, 2015
      4. MacGyver
        Rising temps killed my trip this past weekend. Broke a record for cold Friday night, 40+° Saturday turned everything to soup. I left after 1 night. BUT - hopefully the warm weather solves 2sweed's problem
        Mar 10, 2015
    8. Northern Dancer
      Northern Dancer
      ...saying hi. I understand that you have had a lot of snow down your way and you have experienced some freezing too. I hope things are a bit better for you - I can appreciate how miserable a situation like that could be.
      1. 2sweed likes this.
      2. 2sweed
        The weather is cold and I am bundling up when going outside so that is not too bad, but this plumbing problem is really a pain. i am looking forward to warmer weather just to thaw out. But then I suppose the rivers flood. Thanks for your kind thoughts. you made me smile!
        Feb 27, 2015
    9. happyflowerlady
      We have another winter storm coming here tomorrow, too. This has not been a good winter for most of the eastern states. I think they meant Ice Age instead of global warming. Keep your parka on, my friend ! If this keeps up, I will knit you some socks...
    10. happyflowerlady
      Frozen drains are defintely no fun. I hope your help gets there soon, and the weather warms back up, too. We were down to around zero even this far south, so I know you had to be really cold up there.
      1. 2sweed
        How is 28 below zero, sound to you. Having major plumbing issues. thanks for the well wishes. :)
        Feb 24, 2015
    11. 2sweed
      Well I am really camping at home until help comes next week. Thank goodness I am always prepared for emergencies. Drains frozen solid.
      1. Northern Dancer
        Northern Dancer
        That's a bummer - a real bummer. Some peculiar things have happened this winter and as I look out the window of my office tonnes of snow continue to fall. All systems are go at the moment - including the van. But the days are surely getting longer - a prelude to spring. Yes!
        Feb 21, 2015
      2. 2sweed
        My main drain to street, is frozen solid, thus can not use any drain, sink or bathroom. Got a portable T set in front yard, for disposals and bedside T's for use in house until deep freeze is over and plumbing is repaired. So I am camping in my house and trying my best to care for mom. Worse nightmare anyone could have. Good news water pipes and car are still working. lol
        Feb 24, 2015
    12. Northern Dancer
      Northern Dancer
      Hi there - nice to see you on line. I'll try to be more attentive to the game. But truthfully - it's been a grind the last two weeks even with the weekend winter refresher. Things should be normal soon - I've just had a two day rest period.
      1. 2sweed
        I am hoping to drag it on for a bit, as it allows humor and lots of miss direction. i hope you catch up at some point but I think happyflowerlady is completely lost. lol
        I understand how busy you are and it is good to see you back as well. I hope Reese is feeling alright, I bet he missed you this time.
        Feb 10, 2015
    13. 2sweed
      Do you ever miss those days of I post you post, when the forum was still growing? Memories of posting till all hours of the night. lol
      1. View previous comments...
      2. MacGyver
        I've talked to just about every camper I know, trying to get them to sign up here. Kinda pisses me off that none of them seem interested. I must be used to long established forums because this one seems to be in its infancy to me. I see the same 5 or 6 names every day. That's why I started that thread to try to get some of the lurkers to join in.
        Jan 21, 2015
      3. MacGyver
        I know there's somebody out there who will have an idea that I've never thought about or who will say something that will spark me to change how I've been doing something.
        Jan 21, 2015
      4. campforums
        Yea, @MacGyver you are right. The forum is only a few years old and only really got to the level it is now within the last year or so. Thanks for helping to get the word out. I appreciate the help :D
        Jan 21, 2015
    14. 2sweed
      Down came the Christmas tree, packed away today. Along with the decorations and pretty lights, for alas, the New Year, 2015 is here.
    15. 2sweed
      Wishing all Camping Babble members and guests, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
      1. campforums likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. campforums
        Sorry to hear that, I hope you had a good time on your own though :)
        Dec 27, 2014
      4. 2sweed
        They dragged in at the last moment after we waited all day, but then we got some nice gifts. Mom and I watched good Christmas movies all day to pass the time. All in all we enjoyed Christmas!
        Dec 27, 2014
      5. campforums
        That's good to hear, everyone should have some enjoyment during the holiday season
        Dec 27, 2014
    16. Northern Dancer
      Northern Dancer
      Hang in...gracious lady.
      1. 2sweed likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Northern Dancer
        Northern Dancer
        It is the third Eucharist of Christmas Eve.
        Dec 19, 2014
      4. 2sweed
        Oh, of course. that is a special time indeed. I will think of you in turn on Christmas Eve. It is truly wonderful to have good friends that care about the well-being of others. Cyber friend your one of the good guys. :)
        Dec 19, 2014
      5. Northern Dancer
        Northern Dancer
        Thank you.
        Dec 19, 2014
    17. 2sweed
      A toast to all who enjoy the fun and spirit of camping and enjoyment in the great outdoors. Winter is upon us thou snow is sparse.
      1. campforums likes this.
      2. campforums
        A great toast!
        Dec 7, 2014
      3. campforums
        Snow there already? We had a little bit but it mostly all melted as it hit the ground. I know it is just around the corner though.
        Dec 7, 2014
      4. 2sweed
        Ground is bare. One would think it was spring instead of winter.
        Dec 7, 2014
    18. 2sweed
      Need to get a hospital bed now and she has spells of dangerously low blood pressure. Can not be left alone.. Thanks for asking. :)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. 2sweed
        I am still learning the ins and outs of this way of posting. sorry i posted in the wrong place, thinking a bit wacky sometimes.
        Dec 6, 2014
      3. 2sweed
        Also mom will not recover she is failing more each day.
        Dec 6, 2014
      4. campforums
        No problem, you got the hang of it now. Sorry to hear that, I recently went through the same thing with my grandmother.
        Dec 6, 2014
    19. 2sweed
      My life has been spent taking care of mom.. So yes, I wished for that Tahiti beach or better weather and time to talk to you all here.
      1. campforums
        How is she doing? My grandmother recently passed so I know you must be going through some hard times, I hope things improve for you :)
        Dec 2, 2014
    20. Northern Dancer
      Northern Dancer
      Watch ya doin today? Parked at a painter's landscape, makin apple pies, wishing you were on a Tahiti beach, wishing for better weather?
      1. campforums
        those are some great ideas XD
        Nov 28, 2014
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  • About

    I am a country girl at heart. Enjoy camping and walking in the woods. I am into learning more about plants and animals, and outdoor survival methods. I enjoy reading non-fiction books about the early days when people moved into the backwoods to live off the land. Looking forward to making some new friends here.


    [​IMG] “Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.” – Rachel Carson