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Natural Camper, Female, from Pennsylvania

Staff Member

Started the end of January, by falling on ice in my driveway and fracturing shoulder in 4 places. Not working, Have weeks to talk camping. Jan 31, 2019

2sweed was last seen:
Apr 9, 2019
    1. 2sweed
      Started the end of January, by falling on ice in my driveway and fracturing shoulder in 4 places. Not working, Have weeks to talk camping.
    2. 2sweed
      3/12/2018, Just looked out the window and it is snowing again. Oh Spring where are you? :)
      1. campforums likes this.
    3. 2sweed
      I am tired of winter and looking forward to Spring and really enjoying the outdoors this year!
    4. 2sweed
      I am here wanting to post and wanting to talk, but so tired from working I can't think of anything to say!
    5. 2sweed
      HAPPY NEW YEAR! We are finally getting lots of snow and I am sick of shoveling already. :)
      1. campforums likes this.
    6. 2sweed
      I'm back! Had some major eye surgery and things were a bit blurry for a bit but good going now. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!
      1. campforums
        But now that the blurriness is gone, your vision is back and better than ever I hope? Happy new year :)
        Jan 6, 2017
    7. 2sweed
      Recovering from house invasion and someone breaking into car and stealing gas. Locked gas cap, but gas still gone. Any ideas??
      1. View previous comments...
      2. 2sweed
        I have no answers as to why, kids or adults looking for something or thrill seeking. Glad it is over and hope I never have that problem again. Have reinforced the house & car and hoping for the best going forward.
        Sep 20, 2016
      3. campforums
        Sounds like a one off incident, good that you are safe. I would consider filing a police report, perhaps similar incidences have happened in the neighborhood as well.
        Sep 21, 2016
      4. 2sweed
        I did that police report when I discovered someone had messed with my computer. I also typed out a day-to-day report of what all happened and gave it to them and my insurance man. I guess our neighborhood is suddenly know as a high crime area. I hope they leave me alone.
        Sep 21, 2016
    8. 2sweed
      We went weeks with no rain and hot dry weather. Now we are having severe thunder showers everyday with lightening, w/two houses hit earlier.
    9. 2sweed
      Paperwork and getting life in order and starting in new directions has been keeping me busy. But i am back, regardless thou never far away.
    10. campforums
      Nice to see you online again!
    11. 2sweed
      The long wait is over my mother pasted away on Sept 17. She took a long while to get there as her heart was strong.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. 2sweed
        I am kind of numb right now. The service was yesterday and was beautiful, but I am still accepting her death. It was very hard and long.
        Sep 22, 2015
      3. campforums
        It sounds like you had close ties, I hope you have some good friends and family around to support you
        Sep 26, 2015
      4. 2sweed
        Thanks for your comment. Good friends, yes. Family a bit. Mostly I am alone and searching for a new direction. I will be back posting more soon. :)
        Sep 29, 2015
    12. 2sweed
      Staying in the house on beautiful days is not something a outdoor fun-loving gal should have to do. UGH!
    13. Northern Dancer
      Northern Dancer
      No advice or suggestions - just saying hi.
      1. 2sweed
        Hello right back at ya. Hope you had a nice day. Beautiful weather here.
        Aug 4, 2015
    14. 2sweed
      It has been in the 90's all day today. I got some work done but I am dead tired tonight.
    15. Northern Dancer
      Northern Dancer
      Nice to see you online this evening - really hot in our neck of the woods - I miss tripping BUT it's coming soon.
    16. 2sweed
      Just watching the days go by from inside my house. The beautiful sunny ones where I want to be outside and the more often rainy days. :(
      1. Northern Dancer
        Northern Dancer
        It will happen.
        Jul 20, 2015
      2. campforums
        A problem we all face! Hopefully you can make the best of the situtation
        Jul 20, 2015
    17. Northern Dancer
      Northern Dancer
      Hi "Smiley" whats you doin these days to keep the campfire burning? Yep, my first official campfire was in honour of you.
    18. Northern Dancer
      1. 2sweed
        Hi yourself !
        Jun 20, 2015
    19. Northern Dancer
      Northern Dancer
      How are you feeling with all this eye stuff behind you? Can I ask...Are you LOOKING to do something special this summer? It would be great if you could.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Northern Dancer
        Northern Dancer
        I hope so - I sense you need a real rest.
        May 5, 2015
      3. 2sweed
        A very long long rest. I am about ready to hide in Canada. :)
        May 5, 2015
      4. Northern Dancer
        Northern Dancer
        There are people who have done just that. But you don't have to hide...you just have to get lost in an environment that is accepting.
        May 5, 2015
    20. Northern Dancer
      Northern Dancer
      We rejoice with you!
      1. 2sweed likes this.