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Learning To ID Different Birds By Their Songs and Chatter

Discussion in 'Nature' started by 2sweed, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. 2sweed

    2sweed Natural Camper Staff Member

    Often times when out walking in the woods or camping the many voices of birds chattering to each other or singing gets my attention. Some birds can mimic other birds and animals. Like the Catbird, makes a song similar to many other birds. Blue Jays can sound like hawks. Mourning doves can make sounds so restful. So unless your well versed in bird languages you might be confused as to which bird is making that sound.

    As children when camping we loved putting bread crumbs and crusts, out on old stumps and rocks, so we could watch the different birds that flew around the campsites. We got to learn the bird sounds from watching them and found it a delightful way to entertain ourselves on rainy days. Do you know much about the song of birds? Can you figure out which bird is chirping or calling it's mate, or just singing out of the joy of being alive.

    Well here is your chance to learn the bird language. All comments are welcome!

    First I introduce to you the beautiful noisy BLUE JAY

    Last edited: Oct 20, 2013
  2. 2sweed

    2sweed Natural Camper Staff Member

    I would have to say one of my favorite wild birds is the Mourning Dove. The sound they make is so restful, like listening to the sound of a bubbling waterfall. It it soft and gentle on the ears.

  3. 2sweed

    2sweed Natural Camper Staff Member

    I would have to say one of the most noticed wild bird is the Northern Cardinal. The males are bright red and the females a drab light brown with bits of red. Their song is cheerful and uplifting to hear. Comments on birds and their songs are welcome here.

  4. 2sweed

    2sweed Natural Camper Staff Member

    My favorite songbird is the Eastern Bluebird. In some parts of Pennsylvania they are rarely seen. But in the country near our camp I saw 4 mated pairs this past spring. It might be that since blue is my favorite color, that is why I am partial to this bird. His song is different yet soothing to the ear. Listen!

  5. 2sweed

    2sweed Natural Camper Staff Member

    Since I have made friends with wild owls, just because of their curious nature, by following them by sight and flight through the forests, as well as, in the woodland behind my home. I thought you would enjoy the chance to separate them out and begin to know them by sight and the sounds each type of owl makes. It is often said that owls are only out and about at nighttime. But in truth they do see very well at night and thus hunt at night quite often, but the same can be said about owls in the day light hours. I like owls because they seem to be so wise and knowing, thou it is no doubt because of their body build and large staring eyes and solitary life.


  6. 2sweed

    2sweed Natural Camper Staff Member

    These owls often nest in tall dead trees or trees that have openings large enough for them to enter into. Animals that can climb trees and snakes are often their biggest enemies in warding off animals that eat their eggs or young. Most owls eat mice and rats, other birds and squirrals and rabbits. Some types hunt more at night, although, it is not unusual to see them in the daylight hours searching for food.


  7. 2sweed

    2sweed Natural Camper Staff Member


  8. 2sweed

    2sweed Natural Camper Staff Member

    I hope you will add some comments about bird watching and using this hobby while camping or hiking in the woods. As a young person it was always fun to try and get to know the forest animals and learn not only their songs, but also things about where they liked to nest and mating, and raising of their young. Do we have any other birdwatchers on site?? Tell us about your adventures in bird watching.
  9. 2sweed

    2sweed Natural Camper Staff Member

    These birds are about 4-5 inches long. The male is bright yellow with a black forehead and wings, and tail. The female is olive-green and lighter below with a white rump. they are found in farmlands and weedy fields with scattered trees and along river banks and parks, plus in suburbs at feeders. The goldfinches breed in late summer and use the down of the thistle to build tightly woven nests. Often can be located by their song.

  10. 2sweed

    2sweed Natural Camper Staff Member

    Black-capped Chickadee
    These birds are one of my favorites. they are 4-5 inches in length. They are mostly light gray with a black cap on their head and throat, with a white cheek patch. They are found in mixed forest areas and backyards, and in parks. There are different chickadees depending upon the area in which you live. this species lives in the northern parts of the United States and up into Canada. Their song is cheerful and delightful.

  11. 2sweed

    2sweed Natural Camper Staff Member

    Red-winged Blackbird
    The length of these birds is 7-9 1/2 inches long. Look for in the male being black with a yellow-bordered red shoulder patch. And the female is dark brown that is heavily streaked. An immature male may look like a female in color but will have a red should patch. Habitat is found in swamps and marshes, open areas and farmlands, and backyards. Red-winged blackbirds feed and roost in flocks, but in late summer they retire to marshes and other vegetation where they molt their flight feathers and grow new ones. Then the flocks reappear before heading south.

  12. 2sweed

    2sweed Natural Camper Staff Member

    Eastern and Western Meadowlark
    These birds are 8-10 1/2" long and their markings stand out with a black V, across a bright yellow on underparts and the outer tail feathers are white and brown streaked above. Their habitat is open prairies and meadows, and other areas like farmland. While the Eastern and Western Meadowlark's look very much alike, their songs are quite different. The eastern bird song is sweet and melancholy, while the western bird is rich and flute-like bubbling in nature.

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