- Join the Camping Babble forums today and become an active member of our growing community. Once registered you'll be able to exchange camping photos, stories and experience with other members. If you're still undecided, feel free to take a look around and see what we're all about!
Points: 1
Make your first post somewhere on the site to receive this.
Users who have attained this trophy:Saul Goodman,saint_518,firty,David Magda,cort,sgmpc52,sonya2930,Jen,red,zigzigzig
Points: 3
Start 5 discussions to earn this trophy.
Users who have attained this trophy:Northern Dancer,campforums,happyflowerlady,kevinkimers,Faust,Jason76,FootPathOne,WilliamV,HikingHans,Camp6
Points: 5
You've posted 100 messages. I hope this took you more than a day!
Users who have attained this trophy:Northern Dancer,BMWPOWER,JoshPosh,campforums,happyflowerlady,rz3300,Madman4800,MacGyver,missyify,Alexandoy
Pi Poster
Points: 7
You posted 314 messages. This trophy is well deserved.
Users who have attained this trophy:killeroy154,campforums,2sweed,Alexandoy,happyflowerlady,Northern Dancer,Bibsoutdoors
Satanic Worship
Points: 10
This blasphemer has posted 666 times!
Users who have attained this trophy:2sweed,campforums,Northern Dancer,killeroy154
Points: 12
You posted 1000 messages, you must have a lot to say.
Users who have attained this trophy:2sweed,campforums,Northern Dancer
Points: 15
1500 messages posted. Get some sleep already!
Users who have attained this trophy:campforums,Northern Dancer
Points: 17
2000 posts, keep up the good work and another promotion is within your reach.
Users who have attained this trophy:Northern Dancer
Thumbs Up
Points: 2
Somebody out there liked one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
Users who have attained this trophy:SashaS,Bibsoutdoors,jc banks,Alexandoy,shmuel.mule,Jessi,missyify,Liz_simmons707,phyhowe,JoshPosh
Points: 5
That's 10 likes, you are gaining popularity.
Users who have attained this trophy:JoshPosh,silverwolf636,bulldoginajeepwithacolt,MacGyver,2sweed,campforums,Faust,Madman4800,rz3300,FootPathOne
Somebody Likes You
Points: 10
Your messages have been liked 25 times.
Users who have attained this trophy:bulldoginajeepwithacolt,campforums,MacGyver,happyflowerlady,actadh,Northern Dancer,missyify,killeroy154,Bibsoutdoors,FootPathOne
So Sweet
Points: 15
Your content has been liked 50 times.
Users who have attained this trophy:Madman4800,MacGyver,happyflowerlady,2sweed,Bibsoutdoors,killeroy154,campforums,Northern Dancer
Points: 20
Users have liked your content 250 times.
Users who have attained this trophy:Northern Dancer,killeroy154,Bibsoutdoors
Like Magnet
Points: 25
Your content has attracted 500 likes.
Users who have attained this trophy:Northern Dancer
Points: 35
Content you have posted has attracted 750 likes.
Users who have attained this trophy:Northern Dancer
Points: 50
1000 likes? Great work Captain!
Points: 3
For users who fill out their Twitter details.
Users who have attained this trophy:Swamp_Monkey,campforums
Points: 3
Earn this trophy by linking your Facebook account.
Users who have attained this trophy:Jan du Plessis,pennytrait,Tianji Matsummuto,campforums
Points: 3
Awarded to users for linking their Google+ account.
Users who have attained this trophy:Ronald,kamigreed,Camper Andrew,firty,AlyssaPeachFuzz,Zack,Bibsoutdoors,saint_518,MatthewH,Iradread
Lunar Orbit
Points: 1
Awarded to users who have belonged to the forum for 28 days.
Users who have attained this trophy:saynotodale,DDavies,genzeka,Jpix,b_boehmer,raysuf,whynotsmile1,cynthiajlewis201,Jim riddering,rogerhart
Points: 2
Given to users who register when they are 13 years old or under.
Happy Birthday
Points: 3
Celebrate your first birthday here on Camping Babble.
Users who have attained this trophy:Northern Dancer,Adamstewart,SalvadorWi,KeithVam,3CATTS,ExplorePathfinder,happyflowerlady,actadh,Duglastos,Erin Michele
Copper Coin
Points: 1
Earn this trophy by accumulating 5 trophy points.
Users who have attained this trophy:gracer,JessiFox,BackwoodsGirl,missyify,bulldoginajeepwithacolt,L_B,Madman4800,2sweed,FootPathOne,JoshPosh
Silver Coin
Points: 3
Great! You earned 10 trophy points.
Users who have attained this trophy:BMWPOWER,Alexandoy,bulldoginajeepwithacolt,FootPathOne,L_B,actadh,TABL,Profit5500,silverwolf636,gracer
Gold Coin
Points: 5
Earn this by collecting 25 points worth of trophies.
Users who have attained this trophy:killeroy154,Alexandoy,actadh,2sweed,Bibsoutdoors,happyflowerlady,campforums,Madman4800,FootPathOne,missyify
Big Bucks
Points: 10
50 trophy points is quite the accomplishment.
Users who have attained this trophy:MacGyver,Northern Dancer,Madman4800,happyflowerlady,Bibsoutdoors,2sweed,killeroy154,campforums
Saving Up
Points: 25
You have amassed 100 trophy points!
Users who have attained this trophy:campforums,Northern Dancer,killeroy154
Cash Stack
Points: 35
300 trophy points is really something to be proud of.
Making Bank
Points: 50
Did you get all of them? Earn this trophy by collecting 500 trophy points.
Junior Deputy
Points: 3
Thanks for helping us clean up by reporting spam or inappropriate content.
Users who have attained this trophy:2sweed
Bright Idea
Points: 5
You had an excellent suggestion which was implemented on the site.
Users who have attained this trophy:2sweed
Bug Squasher
Points: 7
This trophy is given to those who help improve the community by reporting glitches.
Users who have attained this trophy:MacGyver,Bibsoutdoors,phyhowe,killeroy154
Promo Crown
Points: 10
The recipient of this award has gone out of their way to promote the site.
Points: 5
Given out to users who are known provoke debate.
Users who have attained this trophy:Profit5500
Court Jester
Points: 5
Wow, you are HILARIOUS!
Users who have attained this trophy:killeroy154,MacGyver
Points: 7
This award is handed out to users who have proven to be extremely helpful.
Users who have attained this trophy:Northern Dancer
Points: 10
Awarded to users who share a lot of their own pictures.
Users who have attained this trophy:Northern Dancer,missyify,bulldoginajeepwithacolt
Contest Runner-up
Points: 5
So close! You placed second in a Camping Babble contest.
Contest Winner
Points: 10
Congratulations, you won a Camping Babble contest!