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Appalachine Trail - 1,000 pounds...

Discussion in 'Trails' started by Northern Dancer, Nov 17, 2015.

  1. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

    Hikers Pack 1,000 Pounds Of Trash Off Appalachian Trail
    Thru-hiking with a cause… a group of guys this past summer backpacked the AT with a goal to pick up bag after bag of trash along the way.

    Photos by Seth Orme

    The trio of do-gooders — Seth Orme, Joe Dehnert, and Paul Twedt — named their effort the Packing It Out initiative. Their goal was the removal of more than 1,000 pounds of litter as they hiked from Georgia to Maine.

    They hit the trail in March, and by August 15th had met the goal. To remove this much debris they relied on the help and generosity of good Samaritans who packed litter out to trail head garbage cans and recycling bins near the route.


    Orme said people were more than willing to help once they found out the cause. The men were even offered food and housing along the way.

    To weigh the trash the three used a cheap (and light!) luggage scale. They estimated that at certain parts of the trail you could collect 1 pound of garbage per mile.

    READ MORE - GEAR JUNKIE (FREE MAG. - topics include Cam, Bike, Tech, Outdoor stuff)

    APOLOGIES - I wasn't able to correct "Appalachian"
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