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Are you a minimalist?

Discussion in 'Other Camping' started by JessiFox, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

    It's really not a bad idea. I got caught up with the gadgets and the like - not really worth it and I stopped that nonsense. I watch people buying those pop up tents and shake my head. I must say though - I buy excellent equipment now and even save up to get it. As I have shared before - I never purchase anything unless it is on sale. I read the customer and organization reviews very carefully.

    Though, as you know, I do a combination camp style - base camp and interior (canoe) camping. Look up the line Best type of tent to buy - it shows you my base camp tents.
  2. campforums

    campforums Founder Staff Member

    Looks delicious, making good bread takes quite a bit of effort I know. Do you stock all the raw ingredients at your base camp? I guess other than like eggs and dairy the raw yeast, flower, sugar, etc. would last you quite a while without expiring.

    IMO being a minimalist is more of a philosophy that you apply to the things you do, so with camping you can still spend a lot or a little and be a minimalist and same goes for being a hoarder type of camper.
  3. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

    I package the dry ingredients together. [Like I do for most of the food stuffs I take.] If I'm not going to use the eggs for a few days I leave them in the shell - eggs in a shell can last a good period of time if you keep them out of the sun. If not - I break them up and put the eggs into a container and keep them cool - which I rarely do.

    I've been reading material about the longevity of eggs in a shell. There are several reports and I haven't come to any concrete decisions yet. But I do know that I can keep them out for a week or so and they are still good.
  4. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

    I agree that being a minimalist is a philosophy of sort. I also agree that camp junk is not part of that philosophy. Good sound equipment and planning is still the mark of an accomplished outdoors man and outdoors women.
    campforums likes this.
  5. campforums

    campforums Founder Staff Member

    Hmm, I did not know that. I usually don't bring eggs along unless I plan on eating them within 1-2 days and if they are in a cooler. I usually pack them in a hard plastic container within my cooler so that they stay cool as well as unbroken.
  6. MacGyver

    MacGyver Survivalist

    I think the fact that I'm trying to work out how to get a collapsible shower in my cabin tent would rule me out as a minimalist.
    campforums likes this.
  7. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

    I do what I do primarily for self. And since I'm so self centred I don't get anxious about what other people feel it right or best. I just enjoy and it seems to me that's the kind of thing you to do. I remember days that I had nothing, like, I mean nothing. The reality now is that I just have to much. In many ways having a lot less enhanced my experience and brought me closer to the realities of the created order.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2014
  8. campforums

    campforums Founder Staff Member

    I don't know how practical that would be, unless are you planning to bring a tank of water for the shower as well in your truck? I was thinking that you could only use a portable shower when you had a water supply to pump from near by in which case it might be better to just take a dip in the river or lake instead and skip all the hoses and nozzles.
  9. MacGyver

    MacGyver Survivalist

    Looking back, I don't remember any of my prototypes being all that practical. The platform for the smaller tents, the utensil tree for the table and even the way I hang large tarps were all pretty much trial and error processes. I've lost count of the platform versions I've put together. My first thought for the shower revolves around PVC pipe and a 15 gallon drum that I'm going to buy in the Spring anyway. I really don't have a problem with the spraying end of the shower. It's the drainage end that's gonna take some thought because I'm not going to carry a rigid shower pan. It'll probably be based on a heavy gauge tarp. But, as usual, the details have yet to be figured out. :)
  10. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

    There are all kinds of things that you can do... [I've used them all.]

    images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTZNotOKo5zKMVHTGAjM6hDn0BTQSq1XHHGF5gF8Bz0Lh8TkxV0qA.jpg images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRk_YOY9h1hLqw6q_6IJlBYeRCD_HQK85RU8zihtK7DJhQDTM1b.jpg upload_2014-12-31_12-32-13.jpeg

    But what I do most is - get a bucket [folding kind] full of water, go up on shore away from the waters edge, get a ladle, and simply wet myself down, soap up and rinse.

    Then again, a good swim in soft water will do the trick - and you don't even need soap of any kind - that would be a minimal effort.
  11. happyflowerlady

    happyflowerlady Survivalist

    When I lived in Idaho and had to haul water, I had one of those camp showers. Mine was similar to the picture on the left, and it was a bag that held 5 gallons and then you hung it in a tree. The main problem that I had with that was that when I had it full of water, it was too heavy for me to lift up and hang on a tree branch. Plus, unless you wanted to wash in chilly water, you had to hang it up there for a while so it could be warmed by the sun for a bit before you showered with it.

    What I ended up doing was having a set of two 55 gallon drums laid lengthwise, and then a hose fitted at the bottom, and an RV pump (connected to the deep-cycle battery) , and that would pump water into my trailer. It was not a lot of water pressure, but it did give me usable water inside, at least in the summertime. I still took quick showers, since I also had to haul all of the water to keep the 55-gallon drums full.
  12. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

    ...that's what we did at scout camp. We built a small tower for showers. The heat of the day would warm the water sufficiently to make it an enjoyable experience.
  13. MacGyver

    MacGyver Survivalist

    I've done the solar shower thing but didn't like the gravity fed stream of water. I've used a stockpot on a stove with a big scoop to pour water on me but it wasn't too efficient. I've also bathed in lakes just fine. But I'm looking for something for year round and for something more private. Then again, this whole project might just be something to play around with because I've run out of ideas to refine the things I'm already doing.
  14. actadh

    actadh Pathfinder

    MacGyver likes this.
  15. MacGyver

    MacGyver Survivalist

    Damn - so close. I've traditionally been against rechargeable anything because they rarely, if ever, have replaceable batteries. But lithium has kind of changed that. They don't have the memory like the old NiCads have and should last pretty long. I have it in my Amazon cart... BUT, it turns out it won't fit in the standard barrel opening. If I wind up changing my plans, I think I'll have to have one of those. :)
  16. campforums

    campforums Founder Staff Member

    Those bag showers were the ones I had in mind but I never really liked them because of a few reasons that have been mentioned
    • Low water pressure since it is just gravity fed
    • Short duration for most of them
    • Having to fill it up and hang it in a tree is usually a hassle
    I prefer to simply rinse off in the lake or splash some water on my face if I'm in a hurry.
  17. campforums

    campforums Founder Staff Member

    That thing looks pretty awesome if it came in bigger sizes, the length of the hose and the power source seems to make it kind of limited.
  18. 2sweed

    2sweed Natural Camper Staff Member

    This might sound a bit silly, but then a lot of my ideas are. How about a boat bilge pump. Yes, you need a (marine) or car battery to make it run, but it could be used in a tent setup like @Dancer, uses with a bathroom/changing area. Heat your bucket of water and insert the bilge pump into the bucket and attach a spray nozzle to outlet end. That way you can control your water flow, plus soap up and rinse off. Possibly it might work.
  19. MacGyver

    MacGyver Survivalist

    I don't see that as silly at all. As it happens, my current plan (always subject to change, of course) revolves around a marine washdown pump. One heads up for anyone thinking about making a shower setup is to watch out for the temperature rating on the pump. You do have to take into account that a lot of pumps aren't designed for hot, or even almost hot water.
  20. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

    images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRDEvyfr4cOtNsPiIzsKXjB8XX96hM1MTCU4uu3Uv7VEC0km8Mg.jpg images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRwzV6P9n8fsDHZdjHtb5AyjknY0s_YqA-Kc6HNJtWkHNRvTqOx.jpg

    I'm not recommending these but you might want to check them out. Manufactured by Zodi.
  21. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

    We seem to have a lot in common and I can identify with... "I've run out of ideas to refine the things I'm already doing." I'm always looking for ways to improve on things - better, smarter, more practical, easier to manage, a bit ego pleasing, stunning, eye brow raising - Yes? :thumbsup:
  22. MacGyver

    MacGyver Survivalist

    No surprise that someone would put that link up. I'm sure they won't lose any sleep over it, but I refuse to do business with Zodi. About 5 years ago, I sent them an email, asking when they were going to re-introduce their tent heater. Not the big one that only runs off a bulk propane can - the small one that runs from either disposables or a bulk can with an adapter. Seems there'd been a problem with meltdowns or some other technical issue that made them pull them off the market. Anyway, they told me to check back the following season. So I did. And it wasn't there. Figuring they were still ironing out the kinks, I let it go. About two years ago, I sent them another inquiry and got the same response. Well they're still not back, so I figure they were just throwing me a load of crap in telling me they'd be back. I won't deal with people feeding me just what I want to hear. I'd rather have heard the truth, that they're not coming back so I wouldn't wait in anticipation of their return.


    It's crazy - I still see them advertised on a bunch of different sites but they're all listed as either sold out or discontinued or something to that effect. They've been gone for years now. And yet, to this day, Zodi lists them on their own site as "Coming Soon!".
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2015
    campforums likes this.
  23. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

    Interesting that you should say that. You noticed that I didn't recommend them - that's for a reason.

    A new day, a new year, a new opportunity - I hope you have a terrific year MacGyver.
  24. campforums

    campforums Founder Staff Member

    That could work, you would just have to head the water up somehow before hand (unless you like extra cold showers). And you would also probably need a very big bucket as I imagine a pump like that would have a pretty high flow rate.

    To be honest I would probably still give them a try if they ever do come back and it looked good enough to compel me to buy one. The people replying to emails are only one portion of the company and it possible that they just had their info mixed up or that the company is experiencing problems which are preventing them from bringing the product to the market. It is a shame to hear that others were experiencing problems with meltdowns though, that doesn't sound terribly safe.
  25. MacGyver

    MacGyver Survivalist

    No - they don't sound too safe. The only thing I can think of is that it has something to do with a poorly made heat exchanger. But, because I understand the basics of how their design is supposed to work, I've been kicking around my own version of that heater using either a campfire or a modified chiminea. Unfortunately, the 4 inch diameter tube/pipe I'd need would run close to $200. I can't see me investing that much in a prototype. It just seems too easy - There are companies that make heat resistant flexible hose that look like dryer vent hose so it just seems that I could heat up a length of thick hollow steel in such a way that won't allow smoke or fumes to enter and run a fan through it to push the heat through.

    It's hell being a tinkerer sometimes. I get an idea in my head about something I want to try and I can't let it go. I should be satisfied with the Big Buddy heater because it works so well, but the idea of not being tied to propane is just too irresistible. I know I'll wind up building one eventually.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2015
  26. campforums

    campforums Founder Staff Member

    Well I suppose you could ghetto rig something together that might work. What were you thinking in regards to the heat exchanger? I don't know how consistent you'd be able to get the temperatures if you tried heating the water as it passed through the tubing, I think you are better off heating it up before hand in a reservoir while simultaneously pulling in more water from the water source and then pushing it through the tubing to the shower head.

    How much does the product you were looking at before it didn't get released go for?
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