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Did I say Scared?

Discussion in 'Other Camping' started by Northern Dancer, Apr 23, 2014.

  1. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

    Did I say Scared?

    Lone camping has afforded me the opportunity to see wild life at its very best. Bear, moose, beaver, heron, turtle, owl, badger, deer, raccoon, porcupine, mice, chipmunk, beaver, fox and the like.

    One time, in the early evening, I was sipping fresh brewed coffee and heard a light rustling in the bushes. Looking up I saw a mature bull moose not ten feet from my tent. I was flabbergasted and excited to see this majestic creature so close and yet he was as unpretentious as a welcomed guest.

    I laugh now when I recall my first venture into lone camping. Did I say scared? Every thud, spooky shadow, eerie sound; when the tent walls quivered in the breeze, I was absolutely convinced that the axe murderer was coming to get me. I was ready to defend myself against anything out there but I was not really sure what anything was. I had a whistle and a small fillet knife attached to my belt but how would that help if a bear as big as as house decided to take me down?

    I wouldn't exactly call myself an amateur but I realized that I lacked solo camping skills. For one thing I really hadn't thought about living with self, alone and isolated. Some people can't stand to be alone three seconds and they just can't divorce themselves from the urban noise and the chatter of other folks.

    I learned to do all that and reap the benefits.

    After packing your gear in, setting up camp, building a fire, making your own meal, and spending the night stargazing, I assure you that you will have a new found sense of confidence. You know you can survive, outside and alone. And that is more than most people know or care to know about themselves. The sense of adventure moves the inner spirit and enables you to embrace life, live with self and have a greater appreciation for creation in all its wonder in an environment of peace and quiet.

    campforums likes this.
  2. campforums

    campforums Founder Staff Member

    Imagine you came across this thing?


    You need a seriously high powered rifle to take down a beast like that.
  3. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist


    Have ya ever seen a grown man cry and beg not to be eaten? [With my luck he wouldn't even understand English. French, Polish, anything, what?] Gosh...the head on this creature seems as big as the guy who bagged him. This is far beyond my experience - "damn good," I say!

    10ekkz5.jpg Now this is more like it...don't you think? I don't want to give anyone the impression I'm a wimp or "notin like tat". But something like this would be a bit more comforting. :) Oh ya... :bear:
  4. 2sweed

    2sweed Natural Camper Staff Member

    The monster above well I would not be anywhere in the same country with something that big. Scared does not even come close to what I feel. But cuddly teddy bears well I have one at my house along with a few stuffed cute dogs and a cat. Best of all which you don't have to feed or water, or walk and clean up after them. They are prefect pets. Not that I would not love to have a real dog again someday when it is affordable, and on my own again.
  5. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

    "DITTO" as they say. But...then again....given the right set of circumstances I wouldn't mind viewing these majestic animals in their natural habatat. Absolutely and definitely not hunting.
  6. 2sweed

    2sweed Natural Camper Staff Member

    Yeah, From a mountain peak, far far away. Out of range with a quick exit. :(
  7. 2sweed

    2sweed Natural Camper Staff Member

    I am glad they took down this big monster. What a relief!

    dead squirrel.jpg
  8. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

    "I'll say..."
  9. campforums

    campforums Founder Staff Member

    Or from a helicopter maybe... Then again maybe you guys better just stick to the zoo?
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