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Do you plan to camp weeks in advance?

Discussion in 'Other Camping' started by CherylTorrie, Dec 2, 2015.

  1. CherylTorrie

    CherylTorrie Novice Camper

    My family and friends are always asking me how I can wait to the last minute to pack and go camping. Most of them would have to make reservations, make an equipment and food list, schedule their time and arrange for the mail to be stopped :0 weeks or even months before going camping. Me I just wing it. I always have my equipment stored in a neat organized way in it's closet and I don't need special food when I camp, I just take what ever I have here or stop to get more. I may or may not make reservations, depending on the time of year, but I usually just go thinking that I will luck into a good site. Mostly I camp when the mood strikes me and I have time off of my 9-5 job. Do you plan every trip or just go?
  2. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

    Love your style @CherylTorrie - an independent - a person of means - a determined individual - a weekend warrior...etc. :)

    Well...can you believe? The first canoe trip in June 2016 is already planned. Yep...menus and such are also planned. What kind of tent are we taking? I'll make that decision as I get closer to the day.

    I'm hoping to have another Lab trained or partly trained by then. I really really miss Reese.
  3. CherylTorrie

    CherylTorrie Novice Camper

    Ahhh, I hope you find a Lab that is easy to train and happy to be loved. Oh wait, all labs are. :) I send hugs to you as you heart heals. I still miss Dakota after 5 years, perhaps he and Reece are playing now.
    PS yes I believe you are a planner. :)
  4. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

  5. actadh

    actadh Pathfinder

    I will solo tent camp on the spur of the moment. Most of my stuff lives in the trunk of my car.
    CherylTorrie and Northern Dancer like this.
  6. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

    ...love the spirit @actadh - I would love to do that but alas my time has to be planned.
  7. campforums

    campforums Founder Staff Member

    Sort of, I sort of decide I want to go camping a long long time in advance but then it often gets delayed or all the actual planning will happen at the last minute
  8. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

    True...life gets in the way. But I have found the more I plan the better it is - that goes for financial, life and other social stuff as well. I can't afford to leave my camping possibilities to whim - there is a possibility that things will not happen.
  9. CherylTorrie

    CherylTorrie Novice Camper

    So, you plan to go, want to go, and actually rush around at the last minute when it looks likes it's finally going to happen. :) That sounds like me when I get asked out on a date. ;)
    Northern Dancer likes this.
  10. rtavious

    rtavious Newbie

    We usually don't. An often something will get left. But that just part of the fun.
  11. killeroy154

    killeroy154 Survivalist

    I try to plan ahead because of vacation scheduling at work and making sure mama is happy while I am away (she don't realy care for camping). My friend and I were getting ready to go, so I had everything in the basement ready to throw in and go, but somehow I forgot my 0 degree bag sitting on table with every other useless stuff I bring. I was very upset and cold the first night. If it wasn't for the old wool army blankets I would have froze.
  12. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

    ...that's what planning is all about. :) I'm a great one for check off lists. Everything goes on the veranda and is checked off before being packed.
  13. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

    Over the years I've seen a lot of funny stuff - like the group that forgot their food; one group didn't bring their tents and so on. The funniest was a group who left a leader behind who was paying for lunch. Apparently he was delayed and then went to the "can". They canoed to their first site early evening before anyone realized that a fearless leader was missing.

    images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRg9vnF8WhNlXJFYOxQWYQ5a4IUclb80ZYQxheCE3cvo1UJAFwbow.jpg Let me see now...
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