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Leftover dinner

Discussion in 'Other Camping' started by Alexandoy, Mar 18, 2017.

  1. Alexandoy

    Alexandoy Survivalist

    In the campsite, what do you do with leftover dinner that you will not eat anymore? Most campers here irresponsibly throw the leftover food in the woods. As far as they are concerned, the food can be eaten by the animals and insects. But in our scouting training, we dig a hole and bury the leftover food. It is not good to throw away the food because it is like calling the pests.
  2. Bibsoutdoors

    Bibsoutdoors Survivalist

    Backpacking I've never had leftover food. Those little dehydrated meals just seem to be geared to total consumption. When car camping we bring large coolers with us. One we use for frozen things the other for refrigerator items. The left overs we have get "refrigerated" and eaten another meal or taken home and eaten. I'm glad to hear you don't have bears over there in the Philippines or the situation would be a while lot graver. I can't understand why people would throw food out near a campsite, the smell alone would make it unpleasant to stay at that site. But on the other hand we don't have it any better in this country. I don't recall very many times I've ever gone to an established camp ground and not found aluminum foil or beer cans in the fire pit.

  3. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

    ...we don't usually have food left over either; we eat everything up.

    Canoe Camping
    If there are scraps they are burned to a crisp, containers are packed out, and the site is left clean and tidy. If it is a question about burying garbage, we don't do that, we pack it out. We don't leave nuthin behind but our foot prints.


    Base Camping
    In our Provincial and National Park systems there are now special receptacles [as there are in other jurisdictions around the world].

    images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTymwPWhwttWSm_Sg_wImvRG2-C1IgqgRn7TthJ8WjPJqFrCRubJQ.jpg The famous "Molok" through out Algonquin Park.


    A container for bottles, cans etc., one for paper products, and one for proper garbage including wet and dry. They are designed to keep bears and other creatures out. Doesn't this look a whole lot nicer than a garbage dump? Though, it the truth is to be told, getting humans to manage garbage is a real hassle.

    Our cities and communities are the same - the famous blue box had its origin in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

    upload_2017-3-18_10-9-1.jpeg images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRmf93Y9bis26Qo6pRbtBuuxLiCQCb0tVfu403lfh9q3Df4e25PaQ.jpg images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQtmA0dAh4_-AjS6t8LhEizEkTAl15mBpA9MW6JFj_hOAZZqp_tow.jpg Even the trucks are clean.

    Managing our garbage is an art today - for the sake of our planet and for our own well being.

    :bear: Baden Bear here, "Don't get ND goin on camp waste management!"

  4. Bibsoutdoors

    Bibsoutdoors Survivalist

    Man I like the look of those receptacles. We have garbage bins that trucks can hook up to easily so esthetics is out the window for us. To bad, things would sure look nicer if we could adopt such goodies.

  5. Madman4800

    Madman4800 Survivalist

    We clean our campsites before we set up and do it again before we leave. It is maddening to have to pick up after lazy people that just don't care.
  6. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

    How true. I have a name for the people who leave their mess behind. I call them Trash Campers. Like you we take in extra bags to clean up after some. I just hate [but we do any way] picking up butts and beer bottle caps.
  7. Bibsoutdoors

    Bibsoutdoors Survivalist

    We do the same, clean up after others. What strikes me odd, everyone we have talked with all say the same about 'leave no trace.' Yet, messes are found all the time. My wife and I don't drink and we don't mind if other people drink (sensibly) but, I have to wonder if drinking were banned in camp grounds, would we see less liter? The most garbage I find is usually accompanied with beer cans/bottles. I guess banning is too simplistic, but maybe clearer heads would mean cleaner camp sites???

    Madman4800 likes this.
  8. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist


    Well...I'll tell it anyway. :) It was one of those situations that a canoe buddy asked to bring a friend along on an interior trip. Right away I stiffened because I just don't canoe with people I don't know.

    Yep...he was a greenhorn alright. That's not bad in itself - just a lot more work and more vigilance on my part. It was an okay trip and it was time pack up and leave. I MADE A BIG MISTAKE! The Trip Master [the holder of the permit] is totally responsible for the conduct of the crew. So what did I do?

    Question? "Is the camp site clean and tidy?" "Yes", was the answer. "Okay", "move out."

    Two weeks later I get this blistering letter from the Ministry of the Environment telling me that, "We have retrieved your garbage bag at your camp site." I was dumbfounded and just a little perturbed.

    I called my canoe buddy and went up one side of him and down the other. I heard a few "but" coming from him but I didn't let him talk. I concluded by telling him to speak to his buddy. "And another thing, he can never come again!" Slam.

    The fines are humongous but in the wisdom of the Ministry they elected not to fine me on this occasion. That was a relief. How did they know it was my garbage bag? Because at that time they issued them with your number on it. I was sure glad there was no glass or cans - another fining proposition.

    Do I have experience with other green horns? Oh ya. Have all of them been disastrous - no not at all.

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