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Wolf/Bear encounters?

Discussion in 'Nature' started by mVd, Apr 28, 2013.

  1. Lanna

    Lanna Newbie

    2sweed, that's horrifying. There's no way I could stay that calm if I were in your situation.

    I've camped in an area with bears. I actually got in trouble by a park ranger for not hiding my food better because bears were becoming a huge problem in the area. |
    I like to think that I could make a really loud noise and scare the bear off, but I'm afraid I would just be paralyzed by fear. There's only one way to find out, and I really hope that never happens.
  2. Esperahol

    Esperahol Newbie

    ...Of course, it is GMO - never mind there isn't anything wrong with GMO. They are in many ways safer than the natural stuff, but you know folks will as ever demonize what they misunderstand. I mean I've helped make GMO things - it isn't a scary procedure make of radiation and prays to Cthulu. That said if people are feeding the bears that is a large part of the problem - do not feed the bears.

    I doubt that was the mother bear - if it had been she would have attacked you regardless. A female bear with cubs can and will attack a male despite the difference in size and strength. Most likely it was a juvenile with little experience of humans and dogs. I will say that you guys must have a lot of bears about to be so cavalier about them in general.
  3. 2sweed

    2sweed Natural Camper Staff Member

    We were not in a good position to leave the area or avoid the bear if it would have continued it's charge. And we know it was a mother bear with a half grown cub because a man at the top of the hill saw us, and the bear with her cub. He said when we started yelling and making noise she went back the way she came from.

    There are lots of bears in our area and as a general rule no human has yet been attacked. But mock charges are common. This was a first for me, but since I had been reading up on it and watching these video's here, I knew right away the thing to do was make noise and yell. Luckily it worked. I have not gone back out to that spot to berry pick. Once was enough.
  4. campforums

    campforums Founder Staff Member

    Actually I think the purpose of playing dead has to do with the way bears decide what to eat. Generally they do not eat dead animals they they have not killed themselves so by playing dead the bear might assume you are dead and therefore no good to eat. I'm not sure whether they determine this by sniffing around or if they smack and bite you like you said.
  5. 2sweed

    2sweed Natural Camper Staff Member

    I have often wondered about the idea of playing dead. Are bears that dumb that they can not tell if their prey is alive or dead? Seems to me that a critter that eats live and dead prey, would know the difference. If it bits you to determine whether you are alive or dead, the loud "OUCH!" would usually tell him what he needs to know. lol
    Did you see the cartoon movie "Over the Hedge," I think they like garbage best. What say you? lol
  6. Esperahol

    Esperahol Newbie

    The thing is playing dead is actually a horrible idea depending on the bear - and worse being mammals they can learn new forms of behavior depending on circumstances. So I man it probably isn't the best idea to immediately fall on the ground and hold still. For one thing it just saw you standing up, for another you still smell fresh, and for a third if it takes a bite you're in a world of hurt.
  7. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

    I like camping in (black) bear country. [Grizzly bears are a different matter.] Last year we had four (black bears) come into camp during our stay - one male, and later a mom and two cubs. If you are going to be in bear country you need to be "Bear Wise" and know your outdoor etiquette and be well versed in taking care of yourself. That also means you know how to manage your camp site - including cooking, disposing of left overs, garbage and grey water. I do carry bear spray and took a mini course in how to use it and I gave up my Fox Fire whistle for a screamer.

    Normally - you shouldn't have any problems with bears unless you or someone else has done something they shouldn't have - like feed a bear. And playing dead? You better be a really good actor. All the material that I have read says, "You fight like hell" - as if your life depended on it - and it just might.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2014
    Esperahol likes this.
  8. Esperahol

    Esperahol Newbie

    I think that's kind of the best advice period following this: "Don't get in the situation in the first place." I mean if you can hopefully not attract or agitate the nearby wildlife then don't. However, if you do end up in a bad situation then don't be passive unless you have to.
  9. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

    Good stuff Pathfinder...

    :dead: We need to remind ourselves that a fed bear - is a dead bear.
    Nuisance bears are not preserved they are shoot - dead.

    The standard safety rules always apply. [If you are not sure check a web site of your local authority.]


    Be bear aware

    Check with authorities about bear activity in your area
    Keep your camp site spotless
    Put food [including dog food and dishes] in the trunk
    or hang in an appropriate manner in a tree
    NO FOOD, tooth paste, deodorant and the like in a tent EVER
    Clean food preparation areas [table etc.] with bleach or pinesol at the end of the day

    Some say placing fabric softener cloths around will detour bears and other creatures
    Dispose of grey water in outhouses or some distance from camp site [in one place only]
    Cook food away from tent area especially fish [not in the tent]
    Carry a whistle and have bear spray [know how to use it and when] on your belt - have a plan

    Be vigilant

    :bear: BUT - let's be sensible... Really...how many bears have you seen or had an encounter with?

    :beaver: close enough AND ANOTHER BUT - the creatures that cause most problems around camp are mice, red squirrels, AND raccoons. "They don't wear a mask for nothing!" Oh yeah - people they can be a pain in the but too. :happy:
  10. 2sweed

    2sweed Natural Camper Staff Member

    A friend of mine was relating an encounter he had while bow hunting last year. It seems he was walking through the woods a a black bear charged him. The bear did not have any cubs but was clearly overly aggressive and he was really worried about getting away alive. The bear continued to circle him and refused to leave. There were no trees available to climb and he tried different methods to scare the bear off.

    He called his best friend on his cell and told him where he was in case he did not make it home. He had his friend call a game warden for any idea of how to get the bear to leave him alone. The warden suggested making noise by yelling. That did not work. Then he said that he prayed about it as he figured he was a goner and as he moved his feet around he felt a big rock under his foot. He picked up the rock and thew it at the bear hitting it in the head. That did it, the bear took off running and my friend left the area in the opposite direction reaching his car safely.
  11. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

    That...was...a...very...close call. :( You are describing the behaviour of a predator bear [on the hunt] - one that is very dangerous. Most bears if they come on the scene will make a pocking or huffing sound. They will paw the ground and make short lunges at you but not normally charge. Making yourself look bigger, shouting, throwing rocks [it worked], blowing a screamer [loud whistle] would normally work. BUT, as you said the bear was circling and refusing to leave so it puts this creature in a different category. It could well be that he was protecting his kill - bears are ferocious adversaries if they think you are going to take their food.

    So...the question might be. What did he learn and will do differently next time? Carry bear spray [and know how to use it], be with a companion, check at the office and enquire about bear activity in the area, wear a bear bell and make a little noise - just a few suggestions.

    Oh...and another thing. Bears climb trees.

    It was a smart move of your friend to leave in an opposite direction and he had a cell phone that worked. I am so happy to hear the outcome was in your friends favour [Canadian spelling].

    Thank you for sharing this with me. That's a story he will be able to tell for a long time.
  12. 2sweed

    2sweed Natural Camper Staff Member

    Well his wife told me that they often think that he has nine lives, with the wildlife encounters and on the job near misses. He did learn to be more aware and take a hunting buddy with him, or and stay in areas that provide cell phone coverage. He also talked about have another form of protection with him in case it would ever happen again. He did have his bow and arrows, but did not favor wounding the animal or kill it unless there was no other choice. If he had been able to climb a tree he might have had a more steady shot at the bear if it had followed him up the tree. Hind-sight is always twenty-twenty, as they say, hopeful he will never have another encounter like this one again. I was scared for him reading about it in his scrapbook, but for his wife the fear of what might have happened was far worse.
  13. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

    Come to think of it...I've done some zany things too...like paddle my canoe across the lake in the middle of a thunderstorm. I'm glad that your friend didn't wound the bear. A wounded bear is ten times more ferocious. Whatever the case he now has a story that he can tell people who will listen intently to his adventure.
  14. 2sweed

    2sweed Natural Camper Staff Member

    While it has nothing to do with bears, talking of zany things and boats, I remember once back in my younger days when I wanted to have a boat but could only afford the inflatable kind. When I took it out to the low end of a large body of water, pumped it fill of air and paddled out into the deep blue waters. Suddenly I heard a hissing sound and realized my stopper plugs were popping off and letting the air out of my boat. I considered myself lucky to get back to shore before it sunk. Never used that boat again. lol
  15. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

    I never could convince myself to purchase and inflatable boat. Of recent date there have been a lot of technical advances making them more durable and technically sound. I watched a fold up canoe demonstration once and shook my head as I watched the guy put it through various tests.

    We have some white water rafting companies near by and it is just fascinating to watch those things crash and smash down the river. Truthfully? I don't want to confess that I am a coward [don't tell anyone]- but, somehow you will not see me in one of those things. :(

    If you like stand up comedy check out John Pinette - goes camping (on the net) he talks about his experience with rafting.
  16. 2sweed

    2sweed Natural Camper Staff Member

    I found a little story tip that someone wrote back in 1982, in an outdoor magazine about bear encounters or should I say avoiding bears. It seems they were embarked on a backpacking trip in Glacier National Park, and were a bit worried about the grizzlies. They were told that bears don't like noise and that many people brought bells with them to hang off their belts or packs. Well instead of traveling back into town to buy bells, they improvised by hooking their metal sierra-type cups to their belts and then tied a key onto the belt loop so that it fell directly over the bottom of the cup. With every step the key bounced off the cup, creating a noisy but comfortable racket and it was enough to warn off bears that they were in the area.
  17. 2sweed

    2sweed Natural Camper Staff Member

    Has anyone ever had any wolf or wild dog encounters on the trail or at your campsite? I have only seen full-blood wolfs on tv or on youtube, but had a chance years ago to make friends with a animal that was 75% wolf and 25% husky. It was a very enjoyable meeting. I love the wolf song or howl, as it is so soul searching and peaceful. Please tell about any experiences you may have had.

  18. Northern Dancer

    Northern Dancer Survivalist

    I only had the one encounter that I mentioned in the nature section. One time when we were in the interior of Algonquin we heard the wolves howl all night; the one and only time that has ever happened.
  19. I've had a few encounters with black bears in Montana and most recently in Redwood National Park. These bears are not habituated to people so the story will be different if you came across a particularly friendly bear - or one that follows you, as was the case in a recent death. In one case, a group of us came upon a mother with a couple of cubs. They were on the other side of a forest opening so we saw each other at quite a distance. Rather than running, which seems to be more common, mom chased the cubs up a tree then walked around underneath them.

    We watched for awhile then moved on. I would NOT recommend trying to see how close you can get. There is a fine line that if you cross it, the bear may run you down. In the Redwoods, a couple hiking ahead of us returned after seeing some bears. They told us the bears ran rather than holding their ground. With that info, we proceeded. We found that the bears had been eating blackberries.

    On our return, we came across a bear that was well ahead of us and just off the trail in a blackberry bush. It was getting dark and the bear didn't see us. We had to go past the bear or a detour would have been in order. Knowing that we were at the same elevation and the bear was a good distance away, I just yelled. As is typical, the bear took off down hill as fast as it could. Don't scare a bear when you are downhill from it. It might, unintentionally, come right toward you. In general, black bears are looking for food. They might think your food is their food, but they don't normally think of you as food. Grizzly bears are an entirely different story. Outside of Canada and Alaska, you aren't likely to ever see a grizzly. They are around, but they make themselves very scarce. In Glacier National Park where you might see one, it is highly recommended that you wear "bear bells". These are just small bells that make noise as you hike. Grizzlies hear them and get away before you come upon them. Still, grizzlies are unpredictable - there are no guarantees.
  20. happyflowerlady

    happyflowerlady Survivalist

    Aside from coming upon the occasional bear while hunting, camping, or just out riding my horse; I really have not had much experiences with bear. The ones that I did see usually stood up and looked at me and then left (thankfully). When we lived in the country, we heard the coyotes crying and howling at night all of the time. In the spring, when they had the litters of coyote pups, we could hear the little ones out there yipping and practicing their little howls. Even though we knew how deadly the coyotes could be to creatures like rabbits, chickens, and even small dogs or cats; it was hard not to enjoy hearing those pups in the spring.

    Sometimes, they coyotes would follow us through the woods, which was pretty scary. I remember being out horseback riding with my daughter, and we had a small pack of coyotes following us down the trail. Every now and then, we would see one of them running through the woods, or sometimes they would start howling mournfully, which can set your nerves on edge really fast. We were very thankful when we finally made it out of the woods and back onto a regular road!
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